Apparently, I am a yearly blogger. But, better late than never. I can't even begin to catch up, so I'll show some highlights of this year. We have been super busy. Turns out, Raising five children is a lot of work. :)

In August, Kyle and I were lucky enough to go on a little trip with Brady, Krista, Waylon, and Colette. We had a blast at Lake Powell.

Our little Alyssa started preschool! She has been so cute about it. The only things she would change are 1) She wants to have 'school lunch' at school and 2) she would love some homework. I hope her zeal for school never decreases. :)

Kaydee, Anders, and Keaton started school also. They weren't quite as excited as Alyssa but they were ready. This year Anders made the big transition to middle school and I think he has enjoyed it. Kaydee made sure he knew where his classes were, how to open his locker...all the important stuff! Keaton and Anders both played football and all three of the older kids are playing Jr. Jazz. It is a busy, fun time for all!

Keaton turned eight on September 10. He was baptized on September 17. What a special day!

His dad baptized and confirmed him. Grandpa Seals and Nanny Barton each gave nice talks. He felt really special.

I can't believe how fast he is growing up! He has such a larger-than-life personality and we love him.

I sure love my family and I am grateful for each one of them!
p.s. I don't know what that hyperlink is about and I can't get rid of it!