We decided it was time to teach Keaton to ride without training wheels. Kyle took them off and I got behind him ready to run and he took off without me! He rode down the sidewalk, up the neighbors driveway, down the driveway, across the street . . . Well, I think he had been ready for a while. He didn't need any help at all. He kept saying 'can you believe it took me zero days to learn?'
Good job, buddy. He has more fun now being able to keep up with Kaydee and Anders.

I took the kids down to IFA to see the chicks and ducks about a month ago and they loved them. They were tiny. On Saturday Alyssa and I went down again and the ducks grew up! They were so cute. Kyle said no. :)

She kept saying they were cute but when I asked her if she wanted one she said "stinky".