Sunday, November 20, 2011


Apparently, I am a yearly blogger. But, better late than never. I can't even begin to catch up, so I'll show some highlights of this year. We have been super busy. Turns out, Raising five children is a lot of work. :)
In early March, we blessed our sweet little Khloe. She is the sweetest little gal! We just love her! Her big brothers and sisters give her a ton of love and attention. She lights up when she sees any of them. Her ear-to-ear grin is enough to melt all our hearts.
In June, we spent over a week in Kansas visiting family and going to Mike and Kjerstine's wedding. It was a fun trip. While we were there, Aunt Michelle took some fun family pictures.
In August, Kyle and I were lucky enough to go on a little trip with Brady, Krista, Waylon, and Colette. We had a blast at Lake Powell.

Our little Alyssa started preschool! She has been so cute about it. The only things she would change are 1) She wants to have 'school lunch' at school and 2) she would love some homework. I hope her zeal for school never decreases. :)

Kaydee, Anders, and Keaton started school also. They weren't quite as excited as Alyssa but they were ready. This year Anders made the big transition to middle school and I think he has enjoyed it. Kaydee made sure he knew where his classes were, how to open his locker...all the important stuff! Keaton and Anders both played football and all three of the older kids are playing Jr. Jazz. It is a busy, fun time for all!
Keaton turned eight on September 10. He was baptized on September 17. What a special day!
His dad baptized and confirmed him. Grandpa Seals and Nanny Barton each gave nice talks. He felt really special.
I can't believe how fast he is growing up! He has such a larger-than-life personality and we love him.

I sure love my family and I am grateful for each one of them!

p.s. I don't know what that hyperlink is about and I can't get rid of it!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Thanks for the pics, Mindy!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Our Sweet Little Addition...

Well, Christmas came and went and we made it through without getting another Christmas Eve baby. My c-section was scheduled for January 6, but I'd been having contractions for several weeks. We hung out at Krista and Brady's house on New Year's Eve, but we were all so tired and we were back home in bed by nine. All through the night, I was having lots of back pain. It persisted through the next morning. We decided to head to the hospital to make sure everything was ok. It turns out, I was in labor and progressing rather fast. Dr. Brown was out of town so the E.R. doc assessed the situation and determined we should do the c-section before I got too far into labor. He wanted to get in the O.R. within the hour. We called Krista and she headed over with our kids. I called my parents and they headed down, as well. The next hour was the longest hour of my life. I got so scared. I just kept crying? I got so emotional when they wheeled me past my kids. I was certain I would never see them again. I guess it was a mixture of panic and hormones. Then, I had to sit in the O.R. for a few minutes. I was so cold, uncomfortable, and scared to death. I don't really know why. I think I began to remember the horrible pain with my other c-section. I felt so much better when Kyle got scrubbed in and came in by me. It wasn't long until we heard the first cries from our sweet baby. I couldn't believe how small she was. . . and how much she looked like her dad!
The waiting room was full of loved ones waiting to welcome a new baby.

Safe in daddy's arms

After my time in recovery, I got another glance. She had to stay on oxygen for a few hours, but she did great when they took her off of it.

We didn't name her until the day we left the hospital. We just couldn't decide!

Meet Khloe Colynn Rosquist
born 1.1.11 at 4:39 pm
6 lbs 10 oz * 19.5" long

She was the New Years Baby! It made it kind of special. We got baskets of nice things donated by the community- diapers, wipes, blankets, gift cards, booties, hats. . . There was some nice things in there for me also! We really appreciated all of it.

Grandma and Grandpa Seals

First Day at Home
We already love her so much. She is such a sweetheart.